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How It Works

The Airborne System

Airborne System Diagram


The catalyst is injected directly into the boiler


The formation of SOx, NOx and heavy metals are reduced during combustion


Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) captures the pollutants to form fertilizers


Inert heavy metals and particulate matter are filtered and removed


Ammonia, carbon dioxide and water are combined to make ammonium bicarbonate


Sodium bicarbonate is separated to be continuously re-used in removing pollutants 


Premium fertilizers are stored and sold to market

Creating a Circular Economy

What is a Circular Economy?

A circular economy is about narrowing material and energy loops. It is designing out waste, driving greater resource productivity, and reducing the environmental impacts of our production and consumption.

How the Airborne System Designs for a Circular Economy

We have purposefully narrowed material and energy loops in our technologies. The Airborne System reuses the sodium bicarbonate in the scrubbing process, which drastically minimizes the need for replacement reagents. Other pollution removal technologies require frequent replacement.

Airborne's Circular Economy

The Airborne System avoids significant landfill of combustion utilization byproducts. Instead, the byproducts from Airborne's sodium scrubbing and regeneration technology are high-quality agricultural fertilizers.

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